Thursday, 4 October 2012

Black ops-Snipng class

Primary -
The L96A1. This is like the coolest looking sniper.

Attachment -
Extended Mags. This gives it like 10 bullets, eliminating the need for sleight of hund. Which is crucial for the next part

Perks -
for the BLUE slot - Ghost or Hardline. Ghost because its the natural thing for snipers to use.

For the YELLOW slot - You have mad choices here:
Steady Aim - more accurate shots, usually less sway when u scope in so its easier to "quickdragscope"
Slight of hand- if there is guy next to you and you need to quickly reload just incase you got last bullet in your mag.
Scout - pretty useless. just more breath holding, its pro version is like a faster knife, so thats chill.

For the GREEN slot -Ninja - your just sneakier, thats all
Second Chance Pro  - Even though we all flipin hate it, its best for snipers in this game because it only makes it fair.

Seconadary -
ASP hands down. not only is it the most accurate gun, but its for me.when dual wielding , this shit is like the best secondary to have, obviously after the crossbow, because  who doesn't love crossbows with X-plosive tips?

QUICK NOTE- In BlOps, its better that if your way to close to an enemy, and switching will take too long, just no scope, because its incredibly accurate, resist the urge to try to quick scope, because they made it so that if you try to quick scope, its basically like no scoping, except less accurate -_-

Grenade -
I suggest Semtex, because you want to  be mid range with your opponent, which is best with semtex.

Tact Grenade -
Use concussion - its the fastest to throw and it usually is enough to give you some breathing room.

Equipment -
Motion Sensor if your camping.
Claymore if your camping hard.

Killstreaks -
1-Spy Plane, dont be that faggot who has like an attack heli for their first slot, your never gunna get it.
2-Sam Turret, best with hardline cuz it shoots down everything, which eliminates the need for Ghost
3-Napalm or Care Package, call it a treat for getting 5 kills with a sniper in a row. lol

Just lay smart and dont run out in the open a area, you will definatly get bullet in the head!

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