You must get to know the maps, there’s different rush way for every map and different strategical positions for every map. For example on Firing Range there is some great grenade spots, over the A bomb site, you will probably get 1-3 kills each time. You will get killed by other grenades, take them into consideration and try to do what your opponent did to kill you.There is no need for ghost for the first 1-2 rounds, you just simply do not need it, because no one is going to get a UAV the first round and most people run RC cars anyway.
Primary-best is something that you can spray and something that has nice sights and put suppressor on it. So first round you want something light and rush them ill go for ak74u
Secondary-Rpg shoot inside the building that are next to their spawn because, there is lots. of flipin camping noobs

Blue slot-Lightweight make you run quicker, specially with with light gun.
Yellow slot-Steady aim so when you rush and see guy coming out from a corner you will not need to aim the gun

Green slot-Marathon(pro) run unlimited, get close to their spawn sit down somewhere and wait till they come, and when they come they wont even think that you there, and you just kill them, but not every time that happens so be careful.
Equipment-you might as well get claymore and put it down somewhere smartly next to the door or somewhere invisible next to the bomb. What i do sometimes, i put claymore next to the planting area and when it blows up i can see it the hit marker on my screen, so i know there is somebody there and probably going to plant the bomb there!
After first or second round you should change your class!
Primary-Galil with suppressor so you don't pop up on the radar!
Blue slot- flak jacket, because it reduces explosive damage and allows you to survive any indirect explosive attacks like claymore, because you get lots of them siting around the corners on search and destroy.

Yellow slot-Slight of hand(pro) lets you aim in quick, so you will start spraying straight away at them

Green slot-Ninja, because there is lots of guys with expensive headsets like turtle beach so they can hear you really good if you don't got ninja, and if you do got them as well you will probably will hear half of the team across the map!
Equipment-motion sensor all the way in search and destroy. But if you playing hardcore search and destroy you better put claymore
Killstreaks-should be simple because there is like 5% you will get something like blackbird so best think is
3 kills-spy plane
5 kills-care package-or nepalm and when you need to defende the planted bomb, you put nepalm over the bomb and no one will be able to go there for about 10-15 second
7 kills- Attack Helicopter
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